Asking For Forgiveness together - FREE event by Nidhu B Kapoor! online instant teleseminar, mumbai
Forgiveness is the key to healing! It may be different to each individual but it always is letting go of anger, resentment and hurt with ourselves or others.
Forgiveness means we free ourselves from the stuckness, the baggage and move towards a brighter future!
And since one of the ways we allievate our past lives Karma is through Asking for Forgiveness, let us all join each other and collectively free ourselves with one of the most powerFULL Forgiveness prayers of all time by John Newton (being shared with permission from an article by recovering addict Elizabeth Kipp). We will do The Forgiveness Prayer from Dr John Newton together 10 times!
In The Decrees work, we understand all Forgiveness as self Forgiveness
While most of us work towards forgiving others, our work goes deeper to look at places WE need to ask for Forgiveness
Register to get the most powerful Forgiveness Prayer possible and to experience the power of saying it together in a group
To attend this event on 18th March 2023 at 5pm IST and bring shifts in our energies, Sign up free here –