24th Annual Conference of ISNR 2023 Pride Plaza Hotel, Aerocity, New Delhi, New Delhi

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Following the success of ISNR 2005, 2017, 2018, and 2019 in Delhi, I on behalf of the Indian Society of Neuroradiology, and as the president of ISNR, take pleasure and honor to announce that the founding members in collaboration with the Department of “Neuroimaging and Interventional Neuroradiology, AIIMS, New Delhi” & other leading teaching institutes both in public and private sectors in Delhi, welcome all experts and academics from around the world to the “24th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Neuroradiology” (ISNR-2023) which will take place in New Delhi, India from 24th– 26thFeb 2023. We consider it an honor to be responsible for hosting the 24th ISNR Annual Conference. This is the 5th time we have been given this privilege.

Having been parted by the pandemic, we are now glad that after a long lacuna we are geared up for the onsite meet / in-person meet. We thank our scientists, healthcare workers, frontline workers, and Govt. of India for the role played by them in defeating COVID and taking us back to normalcy. While we regret that the COVID pandemic prevented us from holding the in-person conference in previous years, we are excited about the opportunity of holding an innovative in-person conference and reaching a wider audience than a conference can include. Participants from around the world are expected to participate actively in this event.

ISNR 2023 will be the 24th Annual Conference as a sequence of events that started in FICCI Auditorium, New Delhi in 1998, and were held more recently virtually in 2021 amid the Covid-Pandemic. This conference will be organized under the auspices committee of ISNR and the Dept. of NI & INR, AIIMS, New Delhi.

We invite you to this signature event to attend the conference. The scientific program of the main conference includes plenary sessions with keynote speakers, oration, oral presentations, poster presentations, quizzes, and simulator labs held in parallel sessions. Attending the conference will provide a perfect forum for networking and vivid scientific discussions with the pioneers in Neuroimaging and Neuro-Interventionalist community.

We are looking forward to welcoming you here in Delhi in February 2023.

24 Feb - 26 Feb 2023, All Day

